Friday 28 February 2014

The short dorsal muscles - Latest Muscle Seek Program

Muscular pronto quadrates (square pricy muscle) are distributed in the lower ¼ lengths across the ulna bone (the beginning) and radio (insertion). Features: phonation of the forearm. (As a good guy orbit radius around the ulna and not vice versa) Note in conclusion: Some information is greatly simplified in order to facilitate understanding of the laity. Latin names are given mainly for fun. The spine spinal (m. spinals) connects the spinouts processes of the vertebrae together spine. The transverse spinal (m transverse spinals - M. semi spinals, mm.
MultiFinder, mm. Rotators) extends from the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the lower mandrel higher (media crane). Function: double action - righting the spine, unilateral - bows on the side of the muscle and the rotation in the opposite direction. The short dorsal muscles (mm. inter spinals, mm. InterTAN’s versa, mm. Lavatories cost arum) connects the adjacent vertebrae, is the deepest. Mm. Inter spinals assist in bending, mm. InterTAN’s versa at the bow, as can be inferred from their course.

The fourth layer also includes the deep muscles of the neck (submittal). It lies between the first two cervical vertebrae (C1 and 2) a poll of the head. Contains the rectus capitals posterior major, rectus capitals posterior minor, oblique capitals superior M. and M. oblique capitals inferior. Attending of balance movements of the head and upper cervical spine, bending, bow and rotation of the head

Muscular flexor policies - Muscle Seek Program

It is divided into four tendons going into his palm. Prior to insertion of the second article of the second - 5th each finger tendon splits. This cleft passes through to the final phalanx tendon flexor digit rum prefunds (see below). Function: flexion IP1 (joint between the first and second phalanges), auxiliary flexion of the elbow. The third layer It consists of two muscles: flexor digit rum prefunds and flexor policies long’s. Muscular flexor digit rum prefunds (deep digital flexor) begin across the front surface of the lunar side of the bone (ulna).
Approximately one third of the wrist is not attached; there is M. pronto quadrates (see below).

Do palm sends four tendons, each of which passes through the cleft of the tendon of the flexor dig. Superficial is and clamped to their article through to the final second - 5th finger. Function: flexion IP2 (the last joint of the fingers away from the palm), flexion of the joints that defecting.

Note: When cutting a tendon injuries can be recognized Profound (oval, round) and superficial (flat). Muscular flexor policies long’s (long thumb flexor) begins on the entire front surface of the bone side-inch (radius). Like the previous one, only to the level of M. pronto quadrates. Insertion: the end of the thumb. Function: flexion between 1 and 2 Article inches. Fourth, the deep layer the only muscle in depth, placed above the wrist.

About the Muscular flexor - Best Muscle Building Program

Clamped in order of priority gradually away from the thumb to the little finger Muscular pronto terse (muscle prone round) goes from the inside of the elbow and forearm diagonally fastened to the outside in the middle of the bone on the thumb side (the outer edge of the radio). The function of the phonation of the forearm and elbow flexion auxiliary Muscular flexor Carpi radial is (wrist flexor external) descends again obliquely forearms, but reaches down to your wrist. It is fastened with the thumb side of the wrist (base of the second metacarpal bone).
Function: flexion and wrist movement for the thumb, auxiliary flexion of the elbow. Muscular Palmaris long’s (long palmer muscle) . His slender tendon runs through the middle of the forearm and attaches to the fibrous pads palms (palmer paresis). Features: Jack apodosis, auxiliary flexion of the elbow and wrist. Variable muscle often lacking Note: When you flex your wrist with the fingers into a fist to the wrist loom two tendons. Closer to the thumb, the stronger is the tendon of the flexor Carpi radial is, on Wednesday, thinner but stronger, the Palmaris long’s tendon.
Muscular flexor Carpi ulna is (inner wrist flexor) comes from the inside of the elbow down towards the little finger. Fastened to the wrist on the lunar side (so misinform) Function: wrist flexion, elbow flexion auxiliary. The second layer Includes only one muscle Muscular flexor digit rum superficial is (superficial digital flexor) begins in the entire area below the elbow on the front of the forearm (medial of the hummers and the ulna him, radius).

Front forearm for arm muscles - Muscle Building Program For womens

Inversion - call legs (feet) thumb up for aversion - call legs (feet) for little finger up Tibia - shin bone, Front forearm for arm muscles U forearm muscles distinguish three groups: the anterior, lateral and posterior (I hope that the last article remembers what it means :-). Closer now, we will deal with the front group. Read carefully the animation, which is gradually adding layers of muscles from the deepest most superficial layer. Magnified images of individual phases can be found later in the descriptions of the layers of muscle.

If you like this image does not move, and then you have probably erroneously set your Internet browser. In this case, save it to disk and see some better programs such as ACD See, etc.. Even before we get to the individual muscles, pay your attention to the following figure. It shows some right hand from front view and describes the ulna and radius to which the muscles clamped (or are starting). FRONT GROUP forearm Muscles Is organized into four layers of muscles that are innervated (controlled) by the median nerve and lunar.
They are the flexors of the elbow, wrist and fingers, and pronto forearm. First, the surface layer It consists of four muscles: M. pronto terse, flexor Carpi radial is, M. Palmaris long’s and flexor Carpi ulna is. They all begin with the inner side of the elbow (medial of the hummers). Since it is a fan-like diverging toward the thumb to the wrist

Workout the muscles functionally - Muscle Building Program Reviews

Probation and suspiration Probation - the movement of the forearm, at the end of the movement are looking at the back of his hand Suspiration - the movement of the forearm, at the end of the movement is looking at palm. Suspiration (the opposite of probation) phonation (suspiration vice versa) Concepts Anterior - front posterior, dorsal - back lateral - side synergist - the same muscle function X agonist antagonist - muscles functionally with counter- And that's all for today's home, this article will be continually updated on terms that are in the next parts will face.
For questions use the discussion below the article... Updated September 29, 2003: Proximal - closer to the body (e.g.: a proximal direction to the hands from the toes upward to shoulder), distal - away from the body precuts - chest, dorsum - the back, abdomen - stomach limbos - shoulders, extremities - limb, brachium - arms, ante brachium - forearm, corpus - wrist, menus - hand, menus palm - palm, dorsum menus - back of my hand, digits - finger , digit - fingers femur - the thigh bone, gene - knee, sure - calf, dog - foot, plantar pedals Foot dorsum pedals - the back legs (for the record, this is my word "fixed" to "dorsum penis", similar How to get there before the inductive loading ...
So it would not really be the back legs Processes transverses - transverse process vertebrae processes spinouts - vertebral spinouts projection rectus - direct oblique - oblique

Muscle building movements - Muscle Building Program Reviews

Movement in the direction of arrow: flexion of the shoulder joint (the opposite motion is extension) extension of the shoulder joint (opposite movement of flexion) Flexion of the elbow (Opposite movement of extension) Abduction and adduction Abduction - movement away from the body (e.g., shoulder abduction is). Adduction - movement towards the body (e.g., shoulder adduction is).
Abduction - movement away from the body (opposite adduction) External and internal rotation External rotation - e.g. shoulder - limb revolves inches from the body when outstretched arm at the elbow (our picture shows external rotation with elbow flexion) Internal rotation - thumb to rotate the body, inside external rotation (opposite internal rotation) internal rotation (opposite external rotation) Plantar / palmer and dorsal flexion Plantar / palmer flexion - flexion - bending the ankle / wrist in the direction of the feet / palm of your hand dorsal flexion (dorsa flexion) - extension.
flexion of the ankle (wrist) direction for the back legs (hand) Arrow into dorsa flexion (opposite palmer flexion) Radial and lunar diction Radial diction - the movement of the wrist toward a thumb Lunar diction - the movement of the wrist towards the little finger for arrow goes to the lunar diction (Reverse radial) arrow goes to the radial diction Lunar vice versa

How to get muscular arms - Muscle Building Program Review

Preface: Knowledge of human anatomy should be a fundamental knowledge of each, even fitness, bodybuilding, because only with sufficient knowledge of your body, you can learn correct training techniques that will bring you into his unique development.  And that's why I asked I fuck (graduate 3.MF and FTVS) to get you the basic human anatomy met. In case of any questions, please respond directly to the article, you will (hopefully) be answered.
When I Make submitted the first part of this series, I almost did not understand or title...  Finally I have become "an example of blunt body builders" (as she called it) that he would understand and realize everyone else... Ronnie Part 1 - Anatomy - Introduction In today's inaugural episode we look at the basic terms used, because "who knows what is probation and suspiration, which is just Troglodyte ..." (quoted an unnamed friend bodybuilders prefer).
Abbreviations m - muscular - muscle mm. - Muscular - muscles  n - Nerve - the nerve nun. - Nerve - the nerve The movements of the joints Flexion and extension Flexion (bending - in terms of shortening the body) - for example you may need to biceps brachia, i.e. flexor of the elbow.  Extension (backward movement to flexion stretch - in terms of lengthening the body) - as an example of triceps brachia as extensor of the elbow joint

Discussion about Muscle and Anatomy - Muscle Building Program

Muscular extensor Carpi radial is long’s (long outer wrist extensor) descends along the lateral side of the forearm while the previous muscle, but the bottom turns slightly to the back. Then fastened to the back of the hand above the wrist, in the second line finger (the second metacarpal base) Features: cooperation on radial diction and wrist deletion. Muscular extensor Carpi radial is braves (short outer wrist extensor) begins the lowest, in the region of the lateral endive (elbow protrusion on the thumb side).
Insertion is at the same level as the previous muscle, but in the third line finger (third metacarpal base). The function is also identical. Deep layer It contains only one muscle. Muscular separator (muscle supine) - simply, starting at the lateral epic nodule and in the area below the elbow: the sharp points on the back of the elbow (upper part of the ulna - oleo) and continues along the back of the forearm toward the thumb side - around the back of the radio (bone thumb side of the forearm), and wraps it gets to the front, where it is clamped.
Functionally, it is therefore Separator (his Synergist the M. biceps brachia). For a better idea of ​​the location of the muscles of the forearm refer to the following figure. Take note, however, that this is a highly simplified model, which is not very accurate. Anatomy - Introduction Discussion about Medicine and Anatomy

LATERAL forearm MUSCLE GROUP - Bodybuilding Program

To reiterate, in the muscles of the forearm are three groups: the anterior, lateral and posterior. Now look at the lateral group. Explanation of terms used, see Anatomy - Introduction (now updated!). LATERAL forearm MUSCLE GROUP Summary The group on the thumb side is divided in the surface layer and deep innervations of the muscles of this group are the way of the radial nerve. They are dorsal wrist flexors, forearm separator, complicit diction and flexion of the elbow.
If you like this image does not move, and then you have probably erroneously set your Internet browser. In this case, save it to disk and see some better programs such as ACD See, etc.. Just for a better view again adding a separate skeleton hand It is a view on the right forearm behind. Coating Includes three muscles: Brach iota dials, the extensor Carpi radials longs and the extensor Carpi radials braves They all begin on the thumb side of the arm above the elbow (lateral endive of the homers) from top to bottom in the order they are listed, beginnings and achieve the very epicycle.
They are arranged sequentially by placing the forearm toward the front to the back. Muscular brachia radials (muscle radius) begins at most, it's the thumb side of the forearm and is half its length only a slender tendon. It is fastened with a side-inch radius, completely at its end (at the wrist). The function is suspiration of the forearm position for extended elbow and forearm probation, auxiliary flexion of the elbow.


Many of us do not know when the weight is appropriate, food appropriate to the stage of who is where. Very convergence of the player say I am you got protein but did not weigh more than one kilo, and I say you got another and Z and I have a fat paunch. Here's the drawback of not supplementing food.
Here we'll explain everything in this thread. If your height 170 cm and your weight from 55 to 60 kg: you slim and need a dietary supplement that contains high calorie and high fat and contains all the nutrients for the establishment phase muscular and these supplements and of course de beside the food must contain high in calories and fat. If you’re height 170 cm and your weight from 65 to 70 K: Harmonic something with your height and this of course due to the severity of your body and shape.

But at this stage may be your body's disease by building here and need circumscription to increase muscle but here distinguish between the body and the body of another. If you’re height 170 cm and your weight from 75 to 80 K: And you want to complement a large muscle P also you can rely on supplementing medium fat and calories that I mentioned before. If you’re height 170 cm and your weight higher than 80 K: looking for slimming or blotting. Here you must use a dietary supplement does not contain calories or fat and protein have (isolated). Here CMOS be a huge role to maintain the gained and keeps them from demolition and helps in weight lifting and muscular, but not by much. Primary role is to maintain the muscle. 
Of course, at this stage, your diet is low in calories and fat and high protein, and possible to burning fat in this period. You can use the following theme. The names of the most important and most popular dietary supplements   E. The your body retains fat and calories: Here you must use complementary average calorie and fat so that we can burn it and turn it into muscle fibers with ease, and do not even fat in the body and turn to tuck or paunch .. and supplements that possible we use in this period is and these supplements ranging from the proportion of fat 1 gram to 3 grams, and this proportion is excellent for this stage that you are looking at the magnitude of net muscle.

If your body does not maintain a never-fat or calories: and lose it quickly awesome Here, must rely on a complementary high-fat and protein also must continue it until access to fitting example of these supplements and other supplements. There are many kinds of dietary supplements and large companies are all excellent and very important, but need to know a CMOS is appropriate for the period Lake who you are and where need be the most important goal you have and know that I Want inflation or wipe oneself. The most important need is to use supplements correctly as shown on the product box.   At the same time to show your companion and difficulties which result in your imagination could be good for possible plays of the period of his body and needy but you are in need of your body as a novice supplement contains all the nutrients the establishment phase of the crisis. You must be a conciliator in the selection of an appropriate supplement for you to make the most of your workout 


Bodybuilding does not stop growth, but on the contrary may increase height!! Why say so much?? Because this rumor spread among a lot of people because they see the players lifting weights five feet tall (weight lifting is bodybuilding) , but even weight lifting does not stop growing! However, the coaches are choosing short stature to weight lifting (often) because of the short easier for him to Raise the weight above it, Well I do not believe anything without evidence, give me a guide? Ok, I'll give you a few clues and no one directory: What do you?
During iron play hormone testosterone, which is produced by the testicles and in turn activates bone growth by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone and hormones work together to stimulate bone growth The length of human controlled by growth hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland, and sex hormones that affect the centers of bone growth, when fully puberty lose bones of the body the ability to increase in length; Because sex hormones stations closed growth of the long bones (leg, thigh, upper arm), which There are at the ends of these bones; therefore, whatever the level of growth hormone after puberty, the bones will not grow, but instead it swells; causing distortions (gigantism) and this happens in some diseases of the pituitary gland, which is where the secretion of growth hormone in abundance.
Thankfully from what began playing time increased 7 cm longitudinal muscle and improved my intention! These are some tips for players under 18 years old: Not a problem to play the heavy weights but it is important to play properly so as not to injury, Do not forget to do exercises prolongation before the exercise so as not to injuries Important note: Before puberty cannot play bodybuilding because you will not benefit anything Before puberty does not produce testosterone, which builds muscle but you will burn fat only


Sports is really beautiful, it keeps your health and your body weight gain of damage and reduce the incidence of obesity and the game interesting and show results within approximately 3 months when attendance and follow up with a good coach and a good diet also. And you can go to the gym three times a week, it is possible that the acquired dumbbells and a bar at home or (Multi GYM) for attendance. Make sure the attendance of sport in general continuously, even for half an hour a day.

Defining the goal of access to the gym and to coordinate it with your coach (for weight loss - to increase muscle strength during practice for another game, weight lifting, swimming or even football - for weight gain - to beautify the body shape to clothes - to make tournaments) must to be your coach so familiar to coordinate your schedule training course. Exercises warm up before carrying weights (heating + Swedish), to avoid injuries. Preferably exercises prolongation also after exercise to avoid osteoarthritis. You can practice at home through dumbbells or a bar + weights or a Multi - Jim, but you must go to the club (to give encouragement spirit inside you for attendance). Bodybuilder A good diet (learns and asks and looks for ways of feeding appropriate) Far from taking the steroids and hormones - and promoted by some trainers to increase profit. Whatever the degree of trust in your coach (you would like to adopt an athletic body mass

subhuman and not sterile) Reducing stimulants (tea - coffee) Sleep well because the rest periods come on which they are building muscle and take advantage of food (the most important period of hospitalization muscle). Exercise should be under the supervision of coach to avoid the exercises random and that may lead to inconsistency in the shape muscle (muscle is greater than muscle). When you notice that you have more than side by side in size, for example, muscle right larger than the left, do not be ashamed to tell your coach in order to focus on the left side of your performance during exercise. In the event of injury or rip you should go to your coach or physiotherapist. Running or swimming once a week (called aerobic sports or cardiac or cardio) for fitness with muscle mass.
Should learn diversification in your training program does not come every time to play the same routine of the exercises just as bored you are, the muscles get bored just like you, so must the diversity in training and organize your training before entering the Jim Learning what the exercises that and the number of groups and leave determined by the size of weights for yourself during exercise depending on your ability that day is not today. Each has its own context and the most important thing, as I have already mentioned that you feel you had exhausted your muscle to properly check the bulkiness and not the form in which expose you to injury. Goal and objective: - to be the sport of bodybuilding disciplining and educating the body and the soul and not be a source of bullying on people and attack them, either the goal is to be a man with the body of a consistent free of contouring and grease and a fitness gym healthy useless.


Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C, but it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin (C), which helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke. Strawberries: Strawberries are considered Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits. & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel blockage. Orange: Sweetest medicine.
Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, and will work to prevent injury pebble kidneys and dissolve kidney stones, as well as reduces the risk of colon cancer. Guava and papaya: Top awards for they include high vitamin (C) Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes. Metabolism of animal protein is produced in the gym and phosphoric acid which strongly differs from the protein comes from fruits and vegetables, which carries acids less therefore on a diet to be saturated with high quantities of fruits and vegetables that have protein approved by coming from meat and also fruits in order to avoid falling disease increase in acidity.

Consumption of between 300 to 500 grams per day of the protein animal can raise the acidity of the blood dramatically ... low-crab meals and especially low-calorie, which is commonly used in diet also help in the situation of a sharp fall from the high acidity and a negative nitrogen balance.
Vegetables and fruit are the solution of the negative nitrogen balance: In order to solve the problem of diet is weighted you have to consume the amount of fruit such as apples and its contents, which work to neutralize the acidity of bicarbonate ions. The addition of large quantities of fruits and vegetables, especially containing a high proportion of potassium if we added to the high-protein meals will reduce the output of urine acid also decreases the amount of calcium lost through the urine. Fruits are very important. We must not give them the secondary role and do not care about taking it

FRUITS FOR BODYBUILDER - Muscle Building Program For womens

The benefits of grapefruit - Bodybuilder Do you always keen on eating grapefruit? Grapefruit held steady rates of insulin by slowing the entry of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which also affects directly in fat loss, and in a recent scientific study found that the members of the study who ate the fruit of half a grapefruit a day lost weight by 08/01 to 05/04 kilograms without dieting certain. Benefits of pomegranate - Bodybuilder It seems that everyone takes advantage of the health benefits of pomegranates and juice containing antioxidants effective, however, probably does not know all the people that pomegranate can support rates of nitric oxide, a molecule that works to expand the blood vessels to assist in the delivery of nutrients to the muscles.
For the treatment of cases of fever and severe chronic diarrhea and dysentery, headaches and impaired vision uses pomegranate juice at a rate of two cups per day. To expel intestinal worms, especially tapeworms and treatment of hemorrhoids uses drenched roots of pomegranate peel at a rate of one teaspoon with filling a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes, then drain and drink an average of three to four times a day. To trouble the nose and to activate the nerves and exhaustion cases taking drops of water mixed with pomegranate and a spoonful of honey and then placed in the nose trouble, as the nose that drinking pomegranate juice with honey is useful nerves and fatigue. Pomegranate juice mixed with a little water with a little honey handles cases of constipation on this recipe purified blood and resists indigestion.
The benefits of watermelon - Bodybuilder That this kind of summer fruit should be a part of your diet constant throughout the year that its core cortex rich in acid, which turns into (arginine), which produces nitric oxide, pulp melon be rich also a chemical plant that could increase rates of growth factor insulin-like the first. Coolest thirst quencher, composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione (a type of amino acids), which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. It also contains vitamin (C) and potassium. Kiwi: KIWI Tiny but mighty. They are a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. They also contain twice as much vitamin C in oranges


I think players bodybuilding always that the protein element is the strongest muscle building the strongest and most effective, forgetting the benefits of fruits and vegetables despite the richness of the content of vitamins, fiber and minerals and also the effect of direct and indirect metabolism (metabolism) and the general health of the body, sufficient grounds to declare any player bodybuilding, bean and passion fruit The benefits of eating fruits and vegetables come mainly from the fiber, which is a component of building muscle tendons also stimulates the body to protein consumption more efficiently. One of the reasons for missing a lot of bodybuilders is that eating large amounts of fruit has a tonic effect on the other foods and so increases their ability to benefit from the muscles and bones.
The sugar found in fruit is fructose, which is less than the sucrose in the production of calories The benefits of bananas - Bodybuilder Bananas contains banana three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose, and a banana gives sustained and substantial boost of energy and immediate. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minutes. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy is not all that banana, Bananas gives us activity and health. It can also help overcome the large number of diseases, so you must always be added. Bananas high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. Banana is rich in potassium, which stimulates the ability of brain Banana helps in the recovery of: constipation, heartburn, and stomach ulcers, improve mood, smoking, stress and strokes Benefits Cherry - Bodybuilder The fruits of cherry antioxidants called (anthocyanins), a chemical plant effectively reduces inflammation, need to be addressed after training when that hinder your injuries various inflammation process of hospitalization, and even cherry juice can reduce pain gravis who delayed his appearance until after training violent weights.
Actually beneficial to human health as it contains vitamins, especially vitamin different A and iron, and effectively facial, but his effectiveness for the treatment of diseases such as diarrhea and stimulate breathing and relieve pain and back bones, joints and other. Invigorating tonic for the body and for many of the internal tissues and it is due to the fruits of cherries contain many nutrients essential for many biochemical reactions within the body.


There's nothing like that feeling to pay considerable weight in the chest exercises, it's probably most commonly used to measure muscle strength in the gym. But to get a big chest muscles and increase the weights and loads is not an easy task, which is why we offer you the best three tips to enhance and strengthen the muscles of the chest. Exercise Negatives: Doing the exercise negative weights heavy once or twice a month, the effect is very large in increasing the strength and the ability to carry weights, players bodybuilding who do not have "day exercise negative" in the routine exercise, lack the huge gains, exercise negative is the one who focuses on the stage of descent the bar on the chest, or the stage of reducing weight, can increase the weight in a negative exercise our muscles by 30-40?

More normal weight for him, so I made use of those weights, is used a lot of untapped muscle fibers and create the body and mind to deal with the heavier weight. The performance of passive exercise, increase the weight at a rate of 30-40%? More than the usual weight carried, and that the performance of 10 occurrences (after practicing several sets of warm-up exercises) For example, if you are carrying a 60 kilo and can perform 10 iterations, increase the weight to 80-85 kg and Start Exercise descend slowly until the arrival of the bar to your chest, with weight resistance for 5 sec during the descent at a time, and after the arrival of the bar to your chest Mark colleague withdraw the bar with you quickly to the starting position (do not make it raises the weight alone, but the committee, said help would be very powerful, because it must quickly raise the bar to the starting position in less than 2 seconds). Perform the exercise of negative 1-3 sets, once or twice a month, it will prepares you to carry the weight of the largest and avoids injury. Flexible muscles of your back strongly: The missing piece of the puzzle when trying to increase your weights in the chest exercises are the muscles of the back upper, without strong muscles in the upper part of the back, it is difficult or impossible to install a heavy weight during the back muscles regularly will give you the enthusiasm to exercise the chest and makes it stronger and larger. Be sure to exercise that bar and drag exercises with weights increase of not less than 8 occurrences in the group, it will help you get the chest muscles strong and huge.
Power fist: Question might hesitate in your mind now, what is the relationship grip and influence in the chest exercises? The answer is more than you expect, bear fruit largest by providing greater stability in the wrist and forearm, weak make you less control on the bar, and this is of course something annoying, especially if you lift weights big, keeping your wrists strong helps you keep fitting in exercise, and is considered a major factor in the increase in all exercises and not just the chest. Keep these three tips when you go to exercise the muscles of your chest, and the results will be quick.


Fish sources wonderful protein and fatty acids (omega-3) and compare the types of other meat contains a very small amount of fat The amount of a can of tuna and one containing about 40 grams of protein and is the amount of excellent for building muscle without increasing fat as containing the same amount 6 grams only fat That eating the meat of tuna or salmon or any other type of acid-rich fish (omega-3) to once a day during the diet to lose weight may help relieve the weight better, in addition to improving the overall health of the body.
If you do not fish in your meals daily, you should think about adding an alternative to dish red meat or chicken breasts because of its great benefits is the omega 3 fatty acids, which helps to burn fat and build muscle Add to type your favorite little salt and black pepper and mangling on a hot grill for an appropriate period and enjoy one of the most useful and richer food materials that will make the most of exercises.

Fatty acid (omega-3) contributes to the protection of human heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood were also noted lower likelihood of developing diabetes. Studies indicate that cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna contain high proportions of (omega-3). In addition to the many benefits obtained by the body as a result of daily consumption of fish, the daily consumption of the frequent fish meat would hypothetically contrast to the decline in human consumption of red meat; this will lead to a decrease in the amount of fat normally covered by the human daily. There is a simple illustration of the difference between cod liver oil and fish oil as cod liver oil is better than fish oil, but the simple differences is negligible, and are sometimes confused. What I would like to mention that cod liver oil is the fat of the mini, which is very useful for the body and the performance of various glands and stimulates secretions and does not cause any of the blocks never greasy either under the skin or around the kidneys. In a surprise eminent scientific, researchers discovered the British that the fish more effective than many of the drugs famous for fighting depression in humans!
Researchers said they have discovered that salmon, tuna, mackerel and other species that are packaged, usually accompanied by oil contain healthy fats known as the (essential fatty acids) helps to stabilize the mental state and mood and get rid of the disease, the age and researchers are advised to eat one gram at least twice a day of fish oil for the treatment of depression, with preference generally eating fish twice a week. Make sure you add thickness to the meal to enrich your diet diversity and interest more

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Marital happiness in Botox injections - Latest Muscle Seek Program

Botox numbs the muscles that fade its outcome. Be injected by injection high, directly into the muscle, after partial anesthesia of the area concerned and the introduction of an expanded tube goal exercise the muscles to relax. In this context, refers that Botox treatment evolved to the point where its application until at point G, the center of a sense of the strongest among the wife, but its effectiveness in the long run not been scientifically proven yet, especially since the effect Annie, in some cases, this treatment must be repeated every three to four months. To what degree can be trusted in this Benefits:
Muscle relaxant, if only for a certain period, cramping can be treated completely, after they have used the muscle on a normal intimate relationship, has got rid of the wife's obsession with the sensation of pain. Some studies suggest many cases where women have undergone Botox treatment on three successive stages, and the result was that then disappeared from the aches and cramps in full. Risk Botox is not included in the list of treatments recognized by the security institutions and insurance companies, as it is considered cosmetic treatment.
Women who undergo this treatment stages frequent exceed five times or who is on the hands of non-specialists in this area, could face difficulty in controlling the muscles involved, which may cause and leaner for the wall of the genitals, and more dangerous than the urinal and thus the ability of the wife

Is the salvation of marital happiness in Botox injections? - Muscle Seek Program

Muscle spasm of Foreign Affairs Physiological factors did not specify its roots yet, but it certainly inflammatory factors cannot be diagnosed until after types of follow-up minutes with a specialist gynecologist. Far too often muscle spasm foreign specialists to psychological factors, most notably the cases of stress and anxiety, and chronic despair that make these muscles are very sensitive to the touch.
Internal muscle spasm Its symptoms: Internal muscles contract involuntarily at each connection attempt, the latter becomes impossible and causing severe pain. Convulsions that accompany intimacy since the first experience dating back to the lack of knowledge of the members of the body of the wife's genitals, or to psychological reasons, including fear of the male member, or fear pregnant wife for the first time the impact of communication on the fetus.
Convulsions that occur after the experience free from the problem of communication, their goal to some of the experiences associated with pain, be caused by the repetition of certain situations that do not fit the structure to members of the wife's genitals, according to chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecological surgery at Saint George Hospital - Beirut; Morse physical or blackmail the wife in question. It thus becomes the fear of repeating the same relationship a major cause of muscle contraction.
Traditional solutions Consult a gynecologist in cases of inflammation and irritation of the skin that usually accompanies muscle spasm outer wall. Consult a psychiatrist who specializes in marital relations to deal with esoteric reasons that were behind the convulsions of internal and external. The importance of dialogue between the couple, based on candor and openness, to know the wishes of the other reservoirs sensation or pain he has, especially if the experience of the bilateral relationship in the modern. Prolong foreplay between the two partners; the wife helps muscles to relax and genital pain replace the sense of happiness.

Stuffed Shirt muscle ... High fashion for men - Muscle Building Program For womens

Men are the symbol of power, and always be help for women who are weaker in the constitution of man, and the woman is considered to be a man macho is the strongest, The rise of men have evidence of the hardness and strength of his body and that he is the right man to protect her, but beware Madam Not all that glitters is gold, Not all of the muscles that real.
There of these muscles to highlight the attractions of their power, and that by wearing new in the fashion world, a stuffed shirt muscle; where no longer a problem to build muscle and get the body of stringy problem, you can today Dear guy to look macho without trouble.
For what already has fashion for men invented this shirt cotton lining in the form of muscles, it is through this technique you can enjoy the body of gorgeous and you can wear this shirt as a class infrastructure with your clothes daily and will not feel a difference, and perhaps this idea appeal to young who lack such This feature!!

Simple Ways to relieve muscle pain after exercise - Muscle Building Program Reviews

Sports expert advises, stimulating blood flow within the muscles that get vasospasm after exercise, where that stimulate blood flow helps the body get rid of damaged tissue and regeneration of cells during exposure to heat. The recent U.S. study found that drinking cherry juice works to relieve muscle pain and Prevention (CDC), to contain the cherry juice active substances inflammatory and anti-oxidant. It also advised the expert also go to the sauna, or bath with hot water, which works to reduce pain and supports the healing process, and said that muscle pain due to severe load on specific parts of the muscle, or doing unusual movements.
Study: sweetened drinks change the nature of the muscles in the mouth Recent medical study found that sweetened drinks lead to changing the nature of the muscles located in the mouth of the similarity of composition in people who suffer from obesity and type II diabetes. The medical research conducted in this regard that the systematic approach of sweetened drinks and sweetened soft working to change the nature of the mechanism and the use of food as fuel for the muscles to make them more favorable to burn sugars for fat.
The researchers stressed that these drinks are working on a mechanism to change the metabolism because of the quantities of sugar-laden out to weaken the power of metabolism significantly.

What is the effect of exercise on a regular basis on the muscles? - Muscle Building Program Review

Muscle is considered a symbol of human health and strength, and our bodies contain hundreds of muscles, so we need to exercise to strengthen them and preserve them, what is the effect of regular exercise on muscle? A member of the Society of Allergy and Immunology and advisory children and childhood Fellow of the Institute that our bodies contain 630 skeletal muscles, as well as 230 detailed moving, and the absence of movement is equivalent to the loss of 100 musculoskeletal leaner every day Muscle fatigue compels us to stop working, and fatigue, which is the most serious deficiency of respiratory muscles and refers to the importance of deep breathing, which is the easier road, and the least cost to relax and de-stress, good health.

He explains that diaphragm is the muscle responsible for 75% of breathing in normal circumstances and in normal circumstances we breathe about 5 liters of air per minute. During the exercise, which man can exercise professional sports regularly to breathe 150 liters per minute, while the professional athletes breathing 220 liters per minute The regular exercise helps maintain muscle mass in the body:

decreases after the age of forty at a rate of 5% per annum, and by focusing on the sport 30 minutes a day. As muscle tissue is more prevalent as the body's tissues constitute about 40% of the body weight and exercise contribute to strengthen muscles and increase in size, and even increase the size of the tissue and the related increase in density.

Body acquired defects may cause a contraction of the muscle injury

Physical defects vary in the East and West, in our eastern infected cases acquired defects in the emergence of the emergence of textures known in front of me in the shoulder and chin. A consultant orthopedic and spine surgery hospital Crescent talking about it, shows that these defects acquired which may affect textures may cause injury to the bones of the body damage is typically pulled neck muscles background, leading to a contraction of the muscles of the anterior neck, which is why Severe pain in the neck and scattered.

Adds sound textures that reduces pressure on the bones of the center back and the weight is distributed evenly over the area, and disadvantages of textures prevalent in civilized countries, because of the nature of work and daily life.
The biggest proof of that is given to African countries which at least where the imbalance in the strength of the body right, and the problem in defects textures gained lies in the return to normal patterns it is difficult and impossible if adopted patient physical therapy only, the hardening of the muscles of the body into the situation wrong, but If what has been surgery to open tissue hardened by injection and then undergo physiotherapy sessions achieve good results, preferably first examination and diagnosis by a doctor of physical therapy, and so for being qualified to diagnose the situation and determine how the treatment and the means used to it, it may not preclude the patient to physical therapy, but believes that the treatment requires further treatment.

Some vitamins may change the performance of the muscle - Bodybuilding Program

New research pointed out that some types of vitamins make it difficult of exercise; it told the researchers that vitamins C and E weaken the muscle response to exercise. In spite of this, but it did not affect athletic performance over the actual experience for 11 weeks. According to the BBC, the team from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo conducted studies on 54 participants, over 11 weeks, to see the impact on athletic ability to take vitamins C and E, where participants took 1000 mg, vitamin C, and 235 mg of Vitamin E, and training 4 times a week.
The study found that athletic ability has not changed during the tests the actual, but examination laboratory samples of blood and tissues of the participants, explained that there is a difference occurs within the muscle, as taking vitamins reduced the number of centers of energy production in the cell, "mitochondria", which is supposed to increase Depending on the need to increase energy during workouts. Professor of biochemistry not convince the results are believed to be the biggest factor in performance speed of the heart, lungs, and the arrival of oxygen to the muscles and not the mitochondria, so there is no difference in athletic performance the actual difficult interpretation.

Nevus type of tumors and 95% of them are benign and can infect the muscles and bone

Ask one of the ladies my daughter had been born in most of her body and is treated laser, but the places that have not been treated so far, a thigh and farmers and buttocks had happened difference in the size of each place of them, can be growth occurs in areas located by the birthmark more than the rest of the body and cause only difference between them or there will be growth in bones occurs a difference in the length of the legs or arms, i.e. Is this nevus can affect bone growth in children and permanent disability occurs I respond and clarify the treatment?.
The birthmark vessels is a type of benign tumors that affect the skin or muscle or bone and can occur in internal organs such as the liver and characterized paint the skin color of a bloody, which is known to the public as " good "or nevus skin and are 95% benign tumors are often in the skin of the face or the back or abdomen, occur in the muscles and leads to muscle stretch and the occurrence of severe emphysema with patient movement or while walking. The latter type, which affects the bone, leads to bone erosion occurring cavities with different sizes, with bone bleeding inside these cavities lead to a bloody cyst secondary. For the occurrence of nevus in the skin leads to the appearance of deformation in the skin if the large size and sometimes be profound not in the superficial layers of the skin and thus be eliminated surgically with the eradication of the affected skin and you need to patch Leather If the size is small and middle can be treated with laser. As for the muscles is typically muscle hypertrophy compared to third-party of the body and can withdraw the amount of blood circulation in the muscle if such a large thigh muscle Quartet, which leads to lack of blood circulation with heart failure as a result of the withdrawal of part of the circulatory system in the body.
The birthmark bone which affects the bone If the large size and close to the center of growth is typically an interruption in the growth of bones in young children. Least ten years and stunted growth can be whole or in part and stunted growth partial leads to deflection of bone, which is known or warp the stunted growth of kidney is either party to the Palace at the end of puberty. To treat birthmark vessels in bones is through curettage surgical and patching Great Loki topical place cavity either when an interruption of the growth is performed lengthening of bones after the end of puberty to work to compensate for the palace, which occurred As for the treatment of warp are through the eradication of the bag with a set of angles deviation by the so-called slit Great with lengthening the part that palace as a result of stunted growth partially can be used interventional radiology sometimes in small cysts within the bone using CT scans and the use of using frequency thermal or injection materials lead to cirrhosis and the incidence of polycystic, resulting in the formation of bones and fill the cavity, but this process is still under experiment where bags can be made in small blood vessels within the bone.